Friday, February 14, 2014

A Wonderful Weekend

Letter to Prayer Coordinators for Jan 31-Feb 2, 7th-9th Grade Camp
Dear Prayer Coordinators,

It was a wonderful weekend, and a very fast weekend!

As winter camp approaches we get so excited and the kids can't wait to see the campers. I get into the bus and drive down the mountain and am so thankful for your prayers that I know you all have been pouring out as an offering to our Lord.

When I picked up the group last week they seemed a little different than the campers usually seem when they come up to winter camp. I sensed a little more apprehension in their spirits than normal. I realized that over half the campers last week had been evacuated last summer after two and a half days of camp or had missed camp altogether the following week due to the evacuation. They were ready to be loved on and needed to hear about God’s love for them in His Son Jesus. Our theme this winter is #whoisjesus_winter2014. Who Is JESUS?

One camper that really received the love of Christ was Jennifer. Jennifer was a very needy camper, what she needed was the love of Jesus! Jennifer was always asking for something, "Will you put my shoe on?" and she was always getting hurt. She even sprained her wrist playing Foosball and needed it to be iced and then re-iced for the next day and a half. She just really needed to know that someone cared. As is the case with many campers that come to camp Jennifer needed to feel loved and accepted by her family here at Camp Alandale, her real family.

I had a chance to talk to Jennifer about how God our Father has adopted us into His family! We talked about how there was a legal contract that was made - a new covenant in Christ’s blood, and that through Him she was adopted as a child of God. She could not be any more His child than she was right now. I shared with her about how my children are adopted and when we adopted them we received new birth certificates for them with our names as their mother and father, the change has been made, legally and finally. It is the same with our adoption into Gods family! Jennifer needed to know she was secure in her Heavenly Father’s love, and she needed to feel the hugs of her family at camp which showed the love of her heavenly Father. And she got it! This fiery little red headed girl went home feeling the love of God deep in her heart, knowing she was secure in that love. She found out who Jesus is and realized she can trust Him.

Psalms 27:10 says, "Even if my father and mother abandon me, the LORD will hold me close." Jennifer went home on the bus a changed girl knowing that the Lord will never leave her or forsake her.

Thank you for your prayers.
Matt, Tarrah, Aiden, and Piper Pritchett

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