a full week. This week I, Brian, had two awesome campers, Hector and Ryan.
Middle school is such a formative age, and these children are trying to figure
out so much. On my first one-on-one with Hector he informed me that he was
bisexual, and many of our conversations this week revolved around identity,
particularly identity in Christ. Midway through the week Hector said to me “I
see couples getting together on television and they look so happy; they look
like they have it all together. I want that, but is it real? Can I really get
happiness that way?” The theme of our summer camp: “Build Your Life on the Rock”
was so fitting this week, and as we continued to talk, Hector began to see that
happiness and how we feel aren’t the most important things in life. Hector's understanding of God was limited, and one of his first questions to me was, “Is
God mad at me?”
Hector left camp with a huge smile; it lights up his whole face. I was so touched to
see it several times this week as he learned truths about God, and as I poured
into him. To us is given the ministry of reconciliation, and it was such a
pleasure to see Hector's attitude and ideas about God change this week as he
learned more about him. Please continue
to pray for Hector.
Calvin was one of my, Jessica, campers last week, and he was the only boy with a
female counselor. At first I was concerned that Calvin would not want me as his
counselor because I’m a woman, but I continually prayed about it throughout the
week and God honored those prayers; He blessed our time together and we were
able to bond and connect well.
the end of camp I asked Calvin what his favorite part of camp was and his
response was “one-on-ones”. I truly enjoyed our one-on-ones as well, and I now
gratefully look back on how God used those times to help me share His love,
truth, gospel and grace with Calvin. One of my most precious memories with Calvin was during our Wednesday night one-on-one. Calvin didn’t understand the gospel of
salvation, but he was very open and willing to learn, so I shared with him the
forgiveness, salvation, love, hope, joy and everlasting life that are available
to him in Christ Jesus. I could tell that Calvin wasn’t ready to receive Christ
and give his life to God in that moment, so I didn’t pressure him, but we
continued discussing the things of God. At the end of our one-on-one Calvin said
to me “Thank you for teaching me about the cross.”
was simple, but beautiful, and now I know that Calvin has heard the gospel and
that the seeds have been planted. I still pray for Calvin and ask God to send
someone to water those seeds and cause them to grow. It’s comforting to know
that you are joining me in prayer for Calvin and all of us here at camp. Thank
you so much for your prayers!
Blessings and
love, your family in Christ,
Brian &
Summer Staff 2015
Summer Staff 2015
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