Wednesday, July 20, 2016

A Weight Lifted Off - Session #1, June 13-17

Session #1, June 13-17, 4th-6th Grade

Dear Prayer Warriors and Camp Family,

It was Rich's first time at Camp Alandale when he stepped off the bus Monday morning. He was kind and excited for camp, but as the day progressed it was obvious that he was carrying a heavy burden. At amphitheater and campfire the first day, tears would well up in his eyes and pour down his cheeks. Each time he would cry he would ask to go to the bathroom, not wanting anyone to witness his emotion. That night, he lay on top of his sleeping bag, not even desiring to cover himself in its warmth, and he cried silently through the night.

The following day, his emotions continued to be aroused and now, instead of asking he would suddenly run off to the bathroom to hide his tears. While he was enjoying camp, his past continued to interrupt his day and overcome him with emotions he did not understand. During counselor prayer, Rich was prayed for and the counselors asked God to help him sleep through the night. By God’s grace that simple prayer was answered, and as God often does He went above and beyond the counselors’ request.

Wednesday evening at campfire time, after two counselors had shared their testimonies the opportunity was presented for the campers to share their life stories. To his counselor’s utter surprise, Rich's hand was the first hand in the air. Rich walked boldly to the front of the amphitheater, sat down in front of the fire, took the microphone in his hands, and told the entire camp his life story. Rich's father had left their family when Rich was just a toddler, and Rich's mother raised him and two younger brothers. His family recently moved from Michigan to California, but after a brief stay with their aunt, the boys were taken into foster care. Rich and his brothers are now living in a group home. While there were few details to Rich's story, as he shared the pain and anger he felt towards his father for leaving them, the tears once more rushed down his face. Only this time, rather than running to the bathroom to hide his perceived weakness Rich continued to tell his story and was received with many hugs by fellow campers when he finished sharing.

That night during his one-on-one, Rich admitted that he had struggled with showing emotion in front of people, but he felt like he had conquered a fear by telling his story even through the tears of his pain. And that evening, Rich got in his bed, took off his shoes, wrapped himself in his sleeping bag, and slept soundly through the night.

At the conclusion of the week, during Victory Circle when campers receive awards from their counselors, Rich received an award stating that “Rich is COURAGEOUS.” Rich is courageous for facing his fear and for recognizing the emotion tied to his past. He is courageous because he cares for his brothers and cares for his fellow campers.

God is good, isn’t He? He boldly answers our prayers, and often He does more than we even ask Him. Rich not only conquered his fear by God’s help, but he also now knows that God loves him and protects him as His Heavenly Father. Just as Romans 8 says, Rich as a follower of Christ is now God’s adopted child and coheir with Christ, whereby he can boldly call upon God as his “Abba! Father!” Rich's counselor could not help but think that as Rich wrapped himself in his sleeping bag after telling his life story, a weight had been lifted off of him and he now slept under the warm protection of His Heavenly Father.

In God’s Grace,
Alex Mailhot-Beutel
Summer Staff 2016

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