Friday, July 25, 2014

God is Able to Reach - Session #5, July 14-18

Letter to Prayer Coordinators for Session #5, July 14-18, 7th-9th Grade

Dear Prayer Warriors,

This past week, July 14-18 for Session #5, was a busy one at Camp Alandale. We only had three male counselors, so I (Michael) had three campers instead of the typical two. In addition to that, two extra campers were sleeping in my tent at night since they had female counselors. With five middle school boys in my tent, it goes without saying that I had my hands full! Many of the guys had been through a lot and their behavior reflected that, so I initially didn't think that Roberto needed as much attention. His mother had left him at an early age, but he now lives happily with his father, a recovering addict who attends church three times a week. Roberto admitted to being a little burnt out on church, but I assumed he had at least heard the core of the Gospel and spent most of our one-on-one time talking about his life and how he could get closer to God rather than why he should try to get closer. It wasn't until later in the week that I realized I had thought wrong. During a Bible study, one of my boys asked if anyone ever lived forever. I replied that everyone who believed in Christ had eternal life, and Roberto's face instantly lit up, “For reals?” I said yes, and that all he had to do was accept Jesus into his heart, an offer he instantly accepted. Thankfully God was able to see what I could not and was able to reach Miguel before he had to leave for the week.

My name is Irene, and I was counseling this last week. I found out I had one girl, and one boy camper. I am always anxious when having a boy camper, hopeful that they will open up to a girl counselor. My boy campers name was Rodrigo. He was the funny guy of the week—always cracking jokes, extremely friendly and very joyful. On Tuesday night I ended up getting really sick and threw up. I was super bummed because that meant I couldn't have my one-on-one time with Rodrigo that night. However, the next day at breakfast when he saw me, he was extremely excited. He told me that he was praying for me and that he wanted to share his testimony with me. You can bet that I was beyond excited! That day he shared through tears how his mom left him when he was three, and he's been in foster care since. He was extremely vulnerable. He struggled with understanding his purpose in this world. It was incredible to see how God transformed his heart through just one week at camp. He ended up really understanding how God made him for a purpose. He became very interactive during Bible study and wanted to answer every question. And, best of all he rededicated his life to Christ! It's always incredible to see the amazing things that God can do in as little as one week.
Continue to pray for these precious campers, and for them to fully understand the love that God has for them. Thank you for all your support and prayers. It is extremely appreciated! God Bless you all.

In the name of Jesus,
Michael & Irene

Summer Staff 2014

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Knowing I am Loved - Session #4, July 7-11

Letter to Prayer Coordinators for Session #4, July 7-11, 7th-9th Grade

Dear Prayer Warriors,

Last week 22 middle school kids came up to camp. It was an especially heavy week, filled with testimonies of depression, self-harm, substance abuse and more. Though trying, these challenges enabled us to see God’s grace and power as well as our deep need for them in exciting ways.

God loves you: this is the truth that Rebecca’s heart just could not believe. Because of horrible abuses suffered as a child, she became severely depressed, suicidal, & cynical of God and His love for her. During our 1-on-1, she coldly told me (Jessica) she believed God’s true love doesn’t exist. My heart broke for her; all I could do was pray and pour God’s words of love over her. It was amazing how quickly He works in just one week. The Rebecca I met Monday was not the same girl I said goodbye to Friday. She smiled more, let herself have fun and, most importantly, opened her heart to God and the truth of His love for her. At the end of camp, when asked what the most special thing about camp, Rebecca responded “Knowing I am loved.”

Another camper, Violet, loved learning about God from the beginning but just would not surrender her life to Him. I (Jasmine) was tempted to force my agenda of making her a Christian since she seemed to believe in Him in some distant sense. However, God grew my patience in those first few days and taught me to trust His timing. This allowed me to get to know her more and see what God actually wanted to do in her life. She had sold and abused ecstasy, meth, etc. since age 10. When she thought about drugs, she shook from withdrawal. After she was able to share about that struggle and give it to God, she truly embraced Him in her life. In the card Violet wrote me at the end of camp, she explained how she feels much stronger now that she has given her life to Him.

Another camper, Sherrie, came up very excited to make friends. At first I (Ellie) had a hard time addressing any deep issue with her. After testimony time one night, she opened up and told me her own story. She had been recently placed in the foster care system. I told her about God; she had been taught that God was Mexican and she asked if He dated the Virgin Mary. I was able to direct her to the truths the Bible provides us with. On the last day she decided to accept Christ and was so joyful when I told her that the angels in heaven were rejoicing over her. She actually moved in with Violet’s foster parents right after camp, so praise God for making that connection with two new sisters in Christ.

We cannot thank Him enough for you prayer warriors coming alongside us in this spiritual battle. As you can see, despite strong forces against us, God prevails and transforms these kids’ lives. Please continue praying and praising God for His work in these three wonderful girls (and the rest of the campers) as they go about their lives down the mountain.

In Christ,
Jessica, Jasmine, and Ellie
Summer Staff 2014

God Makes Things Grow - Session #3, June 30-July 4

Letter to Prayer Coordinators for Session #3, June 30-July 4, 7th-9th Grade

Dear Prayer Coordinators,

Thank you for praying for us! This week I was blessed to have Reggie as my camper. He was a very quiet upon arriving at camp, and did not really look as though he were happy to be here. During one-on-ones he hardly talked; I could barely get a one worded answer from him. Because of the lack of conversation I do not really know how he got in the foster system or about the home he is in now other than that he is enjoying where he is. Reggie told me he believed in God and read his Bible every day, but he did not consider himself to be a Christian. It was a little frustrating at times because I felt as if nothing were happening during one-on-ones and our Bible study time; however, God reminded me that I can plant seeds and I can water, but it is God who makes things grow. 
As the week went on, I began to see his smile more and more. He told me that he really enjoyed making friends at camp and he loved to cook. He did kitchen craft every day, where he was able to help prepare the dinner meals. During meal times, he would always offer to help and serve others their food. The last couple of days Reggie really got into the Bible studies and did not just rush through them just so he could be finished quickly. Instead, he began to take his time and think about the verses we read and how they could be applied to his life. He even began to greet other counselors and campers in the morning. It is amazing how God can work in such small areas of people’s lives, but those small changes can make a big difference. At the end of camp we read surveys that we have the campers fill out. Reggie had filled out that he had re-dedicated his life to the Lord. I would appreciate if you would please pray with me that Reggie would get plugged into a church and that God would put people into his life to help him grow in his relationship with God. Thank you for all the prayers this past week.   
Our overall camp size was of a petite nature; nevertheless, our Heavenly Father was still at work showing the campers his unconditional love. I was especially blessed to have been paired with Jose, a quiet yet joyful soul who embodied many of my own character traits and behavioral styles; yet another one of God’s ways of showing me His fantastic presence at camp. Whether it was during Bible studies, one-on-ones, the consumption of a meal, or reclining pool side, Jose emitted a calm peace in his demeanor despite the trials and toil that have made themselves known in his life. The unfortunately vicissitude that began his life in the foster care system started with the negligence of his mother care for him. Having never known his father, Jose's only alternative was to be commandeered by the state.  
More importantly however, I was impressed, if not excited, to discover his apparent yearning to attain more knowledge of God, as well as an expressed desire to learn about biblical literature, its genres, and interpretation techniques. I was also privileged to hear his testimony during one of our campfire times.  Upon discussing it the following day, he confessed a weight had been lifted from him whence concluding his testament. It was his first time at camp and he continually informed me of his positive experiences here at camp. Ultimately, he left eager to come back for a winter camp, as well as the summer camps to come. My prayer, in which I welcome companions, is that when campers like Jose resume their summer after leaving camp, God will grant them the strength, courage, and resolve in Him to not be swayed by the roaring lion that looks for those whom he may devour.
Your prayers make all the difference. Thank you for continuing to pray with us this summer!

In Christ,
Ariel & Alejandro

Summer Staff 2014

Sunday, July 13, 2014

I Love You & Jesus Loves You - Session #2, June 23-27

Letter to Prayer Coordinators for Session #2, June 23-27, 4th-6th Grade

Dear Prayer Warriors,

This last week, we had our second elementary camp; 20 of the 24 campers had never been here before. We were excited and honored to give them their first camp experience and saw God move in huge ways throughout the week.

One of my campers, Gracie, was nine years old and had never been to camp or to church. When one of our counselors shared about his father abusing his mother in his testimony at campfire, Gracie said, “He’s like me.” After a while of talking and tears over her father leaving her, I asked her if she knew that God is a true father who never leaves us or forsakes us. She had never heard this before. When I asked how she felt about Jesus after a day of camp, she said he is the best. She gave her life to Him that night. I was indescribably blessed to witness His hand in her life. In just one week, He was evident in her coping with her father leaving, her increasing bravery despite a physical handicap, her love towards others, her questions about the Bible, as well as in many remarks she made praising God and His creation. She repeatedly brought me to tears and taught me more about childlike faith than I could have ever taught her. Please keep Gracie and her family in your prayers as she lives in a home that, while loving, does not know Jesus. She did mention that her best friend attends church, so praise God and pray that He uses that connection greatly.

Another camper, James, also brought the idea of childlike faith to life. He currently lives in a group home. While our hearts broke for the cognitive and emotional challenges he faced throughout the week, we rejoiced all the more at what God was doing for him. Many times, he broke down, saying he wanted to die. Whenever he ran off, his counselor (Gallagher) pursued him. James constantly muttered “I’m in trouble? You hate me,” and Gallagher always reaffirmed, “I love you and Jesus loves you. We all love you.” While James’ attention never lasted long, we could see how much he soaked in this love. On his camp questionnaire, when asked what the most special part of camp was, James said “Gallagher.” On the last night, we give each camper a pine cone to throw in the camp fire, representing something they need to surrender to God. After Pine Cone Ceremony, James went up to one of his friends and told him that he loves God and that he took his all his pain away that night. All week, we tried so hard to shower God’s love onto James and, at this comment, we were reminded not to be discouraged by his lack of attention. The Gospel really is so simple and we needed James to remind us of how the least of these can embrace it so purely. Pray that we never forget to earnestly love the campers, knowing that no matter how difficult the circumstances, God’s love brings freedom.

Whenever we think of you, we praise God for your devotion to us and to Him. It has been such an encouragement to me personally and to the ministry as a whole.

In Christ,

Summer Staff Moved In - Summer Staff Training, June 8-13

Letter to Prayer Coordinators for Summer Staff Training, June 8-13

Dear Prayer Coordinators,

     On Sunday, June 8th, this year’s 11 summer staff team members moved into Camp Alandale and shared our first meal together. Training began that Sunday night and ended the next Friday. We have 4 returning staff and 7 new team members—2 coming from out of state!
     The feel of the week was remarkably similar to a campers’ typical week.  At first, some of us were hesitant to assert ourselves in the group. “I’m usually pretty shy, but by Saturday I stopped clapping with my elbows by my sides and really got into the hand motions,” says Gallagher (now warmly known as Galla-GRR and Sir Gallahad). Some felt the opposite pressure of needing to join in on everything. Like in the campers’ experience, these worries faded in the midst of all the love and fun that happens here. 
     By Wednesday, we were not only comfortable with the camp songs but also with screaming and dancing to Disney songs on the bus ride down to our beach day. We began having fun outside of camp together through playing board games, cheering on the directors’ son’s T-ball game, hiking at sunset and more. We also each shared our testimonies, prayed together and encouraged one another throughout the week. “I really love this group; God has given us similar passions for Him and His children,” says one of our worship leaders, Ellie.
     The directors encouraged us on a spiritual level and in the performance of our daily camp duties as well. Each day, we had ‘break out’ sessions on anything from teaching archery or kitchen craft to purity agreements and social style information. All of these things and many more served to remind us of how to glorify God in ourselves, as a team, and in this ministry. Jessica, who came to California for her first time for training, “especially loved the social styles and love language talk to help understand who she was with and how to care for them.”
     I (Jasmine) am so grateful for the training week we had. The time to prepare our hearts for the summer was essential, laying down anything we brought up the mountain for what Jesus has prepared for us now. Overcome with the goodness of Jesus and the people surrounding me, I look to Hebrews 12 this summer,

Since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith.

I am honored and excited to learn how to serve with this incredible team the rest of the summer. Your prayers as we strive to do so are appreciated more than words can express.

In Christ,

Summer Staff 2014

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Absolutely Curious About Jesus - Session #1, June 16-20

Letter to Prayer Coordinators for Session #1, June 16-20, 4th-6th Grade

Dear Prayer Coordinators,
Thank you for praying for us. My name is Irene Hackett and I am part of Summer Staff 2014. Each and every year is so unique and extraordinary all at the same time. When going into counseling, I’ve learned that you can’t have any expectations. You can either get campers who really love you, or some who completely dislike you and won’t listen to you at all. Either way, you know it’s not you, and you just have to continue to show God’s love with every action you make. I had the privilege of having two sweet young 10 year old girls, Regina and Jessica. They were always so helpful, kind and just absolutely curious about Jesus.
When I met Regina, I knew there was underlying pain and depth to her story when looking into her big coffee colored eyes. The first day I found out she was Cambodian, and I just happened to have gotten back from living over in Cambodia this last year. She really wanted to learn the language, Khmer. So, I was able to teach her some throughout the week, which was so ironic, yet so perfect! Throughout our one-on-ones I realized more and more that she reminded me of a younger version of myself. She was so curious about my mother who was addicted to drugs and alcohol, and how I got through living in those situations. Finally Wednesday night, she broke down and told me all about her difficult past. She also had parents who were addicted to drugs, and who didn’t love her. She had to grow up fast and take care of her siblings. You could just see in her every action she made how much she was desperate for that lack of love in her life. However, as the week went on, you could see her heart being filled by the Lord. During worship, she worshipped so beautifully. She wanted to know more about God, and you can tell she just really understood that God is the way, the truth, and the life. And nothing was more beautiful, than holding that precious girl in my arms, crying, telling her she is a daughter of the King and He loves her so much, and her knowing it and believing it too. A little girl’s life was transformed that week. It was difficult to say goodbye, but I know and have full assurance that the Holy Spirit is living inside of her and God is going to take care of her. He loves her, and she knows it.
My name is Janine Diaz, and I am also on Summer Staff for 2014. This past week our Lord perfectly placed me with two amazing girl campers named Taylor and Jordan. Taylor has been to camp before and hopped off the bus with an excitement and confidence that had definitely grown since the last time we had seen her at camp. She came to camp with many questions in mind. The moment she found out I was her counselor, she asked me, “Is it a sin to be a lesbian?” Caught a little off-guard, I responded, “That would be a great thing to talk about on our one-on-ones!” And it was! Over the course of the week, we read through the Scriptures, prayed, and learned more about God’s love and perfect plan for His children’s romantic relationships.
My second camper, Jordan, had never been to camp before. She was timid at first but soon blossomed upon our first Bible study. I have never seen a camper fall in love with God’s Word as quickly as Jordan. Our one-on-ones were filled with lively discussion about Bible characters and stories. At our Thursday carnival, she picked out two booklets of Bible verses and read them to me any chance she could. I asked her if she had accepted Jesus into her heart. She told me all about how she asked Jesus into her heart while hearing songs about God’s love during one of our amphitheater times. I was so excited I did a little happy dance for her. God certainly showed Himself to Jordan, and her initial timidity was transformed into a loving and gentle spirit. How thankful we are for your prayers! Our great God has done it again—He has shined brightly at camp and in the lives of these children.

Irene Hackett & Janine Diaz
Summer Staff 2014