Sunday, July 13, 2014

Summer Staff Moved In - Summer Staff Training, June 8-13

Letter to Prayer Coordinators for Summer Staff Training, June 8-13

Dear Prayer Coordinators,

     On Sunday, June 8th, this year’s 11 summer staff team members moved into Camp Alandale and shared our first meal together. Training began that Sunday night and ended the next Friday. We have 4 returning staff and 7 new team members—2 coming from out of state!
     The feel of the week was remarkably similar to a campers’ typical week.  At first, some of us were hesitant to assert ourselves in the group. “I’m usually pretty shy, but by Saturday I stopped clapping with my elbows by my sides and really got into the hand motions,” says Gallagher (now warmly known as Galla-GRR and Sir Gallahad). Some felt the opposite pressure of needing to join in on everything. Like in the campers’ experience, these worries faded in the midst of all the love and fun that happens here. 
     By Wednesday, we were not only comfortable with the camp songs but also with screaming and dancing to Disney songs on the bus ride down to our beach day. We began having fun outside of camp together through playing board games, cheering on the directors’ son’s T-ball game, hiking at sunset and more. We also each shared our testimonies, prayed together and encouraged one another throughout the week. “I really love this group; God has given us similar passions for Him and His children,” says one of our worship leaders, Ellie.
     The directors encouraged us on a spiritual level and in the performance of our daily camp duties as well. Each day, we had ‘break out’ sessions on anything from teaching archery or kitchen craft to purity agreements and social style information. All of these things and many more served to remind us of how to glorify God in ourselves, as a team, and in this ministry. Jessica, who came to California for her first time for training, “especially loved the social styles and love language talk to help understand who she was with and how to care for them.”
     I (Jasmine) am so grateful for the training week we had. The time to prepare our hearts for the summer was essential, laying down anything we brought up the mountain for what Jesus has prepared for us now. Overcome with the goodness of Jesus and the people surrounding me, I look to Hebrews 12 this summer,

Since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith.

I am honored and excited to learn how to serve with this incredible team the rest of the summer. Your prayers as we strive to do so are appreciated more than words can express.

In Christ,

Summer Staff 2014

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