Friday, July 25, 2014

God is Able to Reach - Session #5, July 14-18

Letter to Prayer Coordinators for Session #5, July 14-18, 7th-9th Grade

Dear Prayer Warriors,

This past week, July 14-18 for Session #5, was a busy one at Camp Alandale. We only had three male counselors, so I (Michael) had three campers instead of the typical two. In addition to that, two extra campers were sleeping in my tent at night since they had female counselors. With five middle school boys in my tent, it goes without saying that I had my hands full! Many of the guys had been through a lot and their behavior reflected that, so I initially didn't think that Roberto needed as much attention. His mother had left him at an early age, but he now lives happily with his father, a recovering addict who attends church three times a week. Roberto admitted to being a little burnt out on church, but I assumed he had at least heard the core of the Gospel and spent most of our one-on-one time talking about his life and how he could get closer to God rather than why he should try to get closer. It wasn't until later in the week that I realized I had thought wrong. During a Bible study, one of my boys asked if anyone ever lived forever. I replied that everyone who believed in Christ had eternal life, and Roberto's face instantly lit up, “For reals?” I said yes, and that all he had to do was accept Jesus into his heart, an offer he instantly accepted. Thankfully God was able to see what I could not and was able to reach Miguel before he had to leave for the week.

My name is Irene, and I was counseling this last week. I found out I had one girl, and one boy camper. I am always anxious when having a boy camper, hopeful that they will open up to a girl counselor. My boy campers name was Rodrigo. He was the funny guy of the week—always cracking jokes, extremely friendly and very joyful. On Tuesday night I ended up getting really sick and threw up. I was super bummed because that meant I couldn't have my one-on-one time with Rodrigo that night. However, the next day at breakfast when he saw me, he was extremely excited. He told me that he was praying for me and that he wanted to share his testimony with me. You can bet that I was beyond excited! That day he shared through tears how his mom left him when he was three, and he's been in foster care since. He was extremely vulnerable. He struggled with understanding his purpose in this world. It was incredible to see how God transformed his heart through just one week at camp. He ended up really understanding how God made him for a purpose. He became very interactive during Bible study and wanted to answer every question. And, best of all he rededicated his life to Christ! It's always incredible to see the amazing things that God can do in as little as one week.
Continue to pray for these precious campers, and for them to fully understand the love that God has for them. Thank you for all your support and prayers. It is extremely appreciated! God Bless you all.

In the name of Jesus,
Michael & Irene

Summer Staff 2014

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