Thursday, November 20, 2014

I've Got a Secret

Shhhhhh......don't tell anyone. I've got a secret for you. 

You have to promise me that you won't tell anyone. 


You want to know the secret? I know you do. Well, it's just a small secret about our theme for winter camp. It's about the Beatitudes. I can't tell you what we're calling it yet.

Do you know where the Beatitudes are in the Bible? 

No? Maybe you should go look. 

I'll give you a hint. They're found somewhere in the beginning of the New Testament. You'll find them at the beginning of the passage where Jesus gives a sermon to the disciples and all the crowds while he's on top of a mount.

Did you find them? They're pretty awesome, right? I think so. 

During winter camp we're going to look at a bunch of the Beatitudes (the weekend is too short to look at all of them, but don't worry it'll still be awesome). I wanted to share with you some thoughts about two of the Beatitudes that I found on another website: meekness and peacemaking. I'm thinking that the more you can learn about the Beatitudes before coming to camp, the better it will be. What if you memorized the Beatitudes before you came? That would be pretty cool. 

Check out meekness here and check out peacemaking here.

That's it. Come to winter camp to learn more. We can't wait to see you. 

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