Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Camp Alandale Newsletter: Issue 2, 2014 - Part 1

Our latest newsletter is out. Did you get it? 

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Read the stories from the newsletter below.

37 Campers gave their hearts to Jesus this summer!!!

Rarely do we get to see the Spirit of the Lord move as undeniably as we saw Him move this summer at Camp Alandale. As you read this newsletter be reminded of the greatness of our God and how much He loves His precious children who have suffered abuse at the hands of angry and violent parents and family members. My prayer this summer was for the Lord Jesus to give us opportunities to glorify Him through what He has done. That prayer was answered many times this summer and these are just a few of the stories. See page 4 for a special story of Christ victory!!!

Wedding Bells are Ringing

One of the unexpected blessings at Camp Alandale each summer is seeing the young adults that God brings up to serve at camp on summer staff find love and get married. So it was with Justin and Brittany in 2013. We were blessed to see them seal their relationship in Christ on July 12th 2014. Ten of us are taking credit for matching them up, but we all know Who really matched this Godly couple up, don’t we? Please join us in praying a blessing upon Justin and Brittany’s marriage and for their future ministry together. May God Bless the Moline’s!!!

He Bled So They Wouldn’t Have To
By Jeremy Allen

“I didn’t want to come to camp because I was going to kill myself this week. I told my staff that I didn’t want to come, but they made me,” Josie told her counselor through tears after the evening’s campfire testimony time. It was Wednesday night, the second night of listening to the campers share their stories with the rest of the group, and these stories were heavy. They sent Josie into a time of weeping and wailing during her one-on-one with her coun-selor.

The night before the first brave girl named Josie got up to share her story I was unaware that she’d share something that would become a theme for the campers throughout the summer. She was a cutter. Josie had used cutting to escape the pain she was feeling in her life after being abused by her parents and placed in foster care. Jessica, Josie’s counselor listened to Josie as she tried to explain herself through the weeps and wails. Patiently, Jessica let her unload all of the burdens she had been carrying for so long.

Jessica shared the love of Jesus Christ with Josie. She got to speak into Josie’s life that night like no one else before and encouraged her to trust Jesus with her whole heart. Although it took time, Josie’s heart was opened to the truth and she left camp that week with a renewed hope in Jesus to help face the pain in her life. Josie would stop cutting, but there were still many campers cutting themselves. Josie had been a cutter for a long time and had the scars to prove it, but the release she used to get from cutting wasn’t enough anymore. She now had Jesus to release her from all her pain and suffering. If Josie had not come to camp that week, her group home staff may have found her dead in her bedroom.

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